
'Two viruses can exist in the body at the same time'


HACETTEPE University Faculty of Medicine, Head of Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ceyhan said viruses will increase seriously this year referring flu and Kovid-19 . Prof. Dr.

HACETTEPE University Faculty of Medicine, Head of Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ceyhan said viruses will increase seriously this year referring flu and Kovid-19 . Prof. Dr. Ceyhan said, "Both viruses can be exist in the body at the same time, one of them can cause disease and the other can only multiply in the throat; but both cannot make people sick at the same time. We will probably experience this when the flu season starts. We will see flu plus coronavirus cases this year."


Prof. Dr. Ceyhan said, "When the flu season starts, we will probably experience two virus cases. We will see an increase in flu cases this year, not only in the Northern Hemisphere, but also in other countries. We will see flu plus coronavirus cases this year. Our expectation is that if there is an increase in flu cases, a more severe flu picture than before. If there is an increase in coronavirus cases, it will reveal a more severe coronavirus picture than others."

Kaynak: Demirören Haber Ajansı / Güncel

Mehmet Ceyhan Ceyhan Haberler

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