
3 suspects detained for allegedly photographing Erdogan's house were arrested


Israeli national couple N.O. and M.O., who detained and referred to courthouse allegedly photographing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's residence from the Camlica Tower in Uskudar, and another suspect were arrested for 'political and military espionage'.Israeli N.O. and M.O.

Israeli national couple N.O. and M.O., who detained and referred to courthouse allegedly photographing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's residence from the Camlica Tower in Uskudar, and another suspect were arrested for 'political and military espionage'.

Israeli N.O. and M.O., who were detained for allegedly photographing and viewing the residence of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and another suspect was referred to the courthouse after being questioned by Istanbul Police Department Anti-Terrorism Branch teams. The suspects, who were transferred to the Istanbul Courthouse in Caglayan, were referred to the court with the demand for their arrest on charges of 'political and military espionage' after interrogation by the prosecutor's office. It was decided to arrest the three suspects who were brought to the Istanbul Magistrates' court on duty




-Exit of the suspects from the courthouse

Kaynak: Demirören Haber Ajansı / Güncel

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